Sunday, May 1

A Day at the Beach.

Up here in the middle-of-nowhere Canada, winter can seem to last FOREVER. So as soon as the ice starts melting even the slightest bit, and the sun shines high in the sky we venture outdoors and try to soak up as much of the beautiful weather as we can. Because, realistically, in 4 months it'll all be over.

 So the other day my babies and I packed a picnic lunch and some outside toys and headed out to the local beach. It felt so good to pull out some of the summer toys and picnic-y things! Cleaning out the camper was just as liberating - but that's another story! What a beautiful day we had! We were lucky enough that it wasn't too windy, so the cold wind off the lake wasn't over-powering the sunshine. The kids had on their rain-boots due to some wet and squishy grassy areas. But me, I couldn't help but ditch the sandals and stick these ol' toes in the sand! :) :) :)

For those who totally know what I mean and what we're going through - summer is almost here, it won't be long before we ditch the jacket and bask in the sun ALL day! It's going to SO be worth the wait.

For those who are lucky enough to live in those parts of the world that don't see snow or anything remotely close to winter - you suck. ;)

Happy waiting everyone!

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