Wednesday, March 2

Who doesn't like a good contest?

This is what started it all. My journey into blogging. I started contesting in November pretty much out of sheer boredom and hope.  My wins consist of a few travel vouchers, a Warner Brothers gift bag and a perfume. But that's besides the point. My real win is stumbling upon all of the  review/giveaway blogs and all the great authors that come with them. I'm so happy to have found something that I'm really interested in.

So on the topic of contesting, here are some of the one's I frequented. {these are all Canadian friendly}

Enter to win a weekly prize of a trip for two to the destination of the week. Airfare from Toronto, no transportation to Toronto supplied.
Weekly entry.

Enter to win a $100 GC to
Weekly entry.

Various contests/promotions always running.

Various contests running, usually kitchen/cooking inspired. Great site!

Another site with tonnes of giveaways.

Reader's Digest Magazine - famous for great promotions. 

~These are just a few that I regularly visited. There are also a bunch of other single entry contest that I entered everyday as well as random daily contest that I found. It takes patience and dedication to be a good contester...and patience I definitely do not have much of ;)


  1. What a neat list you have. I've entered a couple of contests. The best thing I've won so far was 6 free months to Fit2Be's yoga website videos. I'll have to check out the kitchen give away listed above. Love kitchen gadgets. I also love your twitter widget. Very Cute. Wordpress won't allow neat things like that.

  2. By the way, I'm number 30 on your GFC!

  3. Thank you for being number 30!!! <3 <3 <3

  4. You do have to be patient for contesting! I worry sometimes that it's become an addiction for me, I love to win :)

    One of the benefits of Stumble Tumble Tuesday is beyond the obvious, it's an opportunity to read everyone's best posts of the week - love it!

    Stumbled! Here's mine: and there's a handy little stumble button at the bottom of the post.

    (I'm having a Stumble-Saturday-Kinda-Week)
